We wanted to share some memorable August events with you but also give everyone an update on how Jack is doing.
Jack has begun 2nd grade and is doing well. He has had one tough day so far but otherwise is faring pretty well. He continues to break down emotionally over little things that didn't use to bother him but I believe is beginning to understand that he can control that. If it continues or gets worse, we will talk to his neurologist about it. His new elementary school, Patriots, is great and they have been very supportive of Jack and we feel very confident that he will have a very good year.
Now, for some pictures....

Mom and Dad came to visit and Jack enjoys a little lap time while Grampy reads the comics.

1st day of 2nd grade!

with appropriate attire

Kris and Shannon's moving day. A sad day for us as Kris moves back to Chapel Hill for his 4th year of med school.

Moving that dadgum treadmill again. I thought that's why I gave it away?

Kris and Jack making their way to the big truck.

Kris and Jack

Jack ready to drive the big U-Haul

A "vacation day" for us as we took Jack to Discovery Place

I swear this child has talent on the drums although I'm not sure we want to promote this. He could be the most famous one-armed drummer of all time.

Jack got to visit with a very large iguana