Saturday, April 14, 2012

Update on Jack

First of all, I know, I know, it's been a couple of months since my last update and I am so slack when it comes to blogging.

But, that being said, a lot has happened in the past couple of months. After going back and forth on a decision for a while, we have decided to build a new house in Kensington Forest, just a mile down Rocky River Road. It will be a ranch with a bonus room over the garage. Jack's bedroom will be pretty big and will have all ADA certified equipment installed. i.e. no-lip shower, comfort height toilet, grab bars, etc. etc.

We will miss Bradford Park so much (almost 18 years), but it's time to move on.

We plan to close on 05/30 and are hoping to rent a house in Kensington Forest for about 4 months while they build our new house.

As far as Jack goes, he continues to struggle with control of his behavior. Some days are good, some days not as good. It's a work in progress.

Some very good news......Jack was approved for CAP/C, which is part of Medicaid. This allows for us to have a part time nurse in our home for 20 hours/week. The nurse's name is Martha and we are very pleased so far with her work. She is only 17 but is a very hard worker and seems willing to deal with "you know who".

When Martha arrives, it's like a miracle. A lot of the stress just melts away. It's awesome.

That's all for now.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Good news!

Just a short note to let all of you know that Jack will be coming home from the hospital on January 27th! We are so excited to have him home again. It's been quite an adventure.