We have talked with Dr. Mikati and he and Dr. Grant (the neurosurgeon) discussed Jack's case along with their team this week. They are recommending surgery. Specifically, the hemispherectomy. We have been preparing ourselves for several weeks for this. Although a relief, at the same time, it is so scary. Putting your precious child through something so delicate and dangerous. But, we have to trust the doctors. They are supposed to be the best. We discussed with him the fact that we could not get a successful functional MRI and he said that this test is relatively new and although they like to have it, it is not absolutely required. His nurse is going to check and see if we can try one more time by having it done at Prebsy or CMC here in Charlotte. Dr. Mikati said that he "would be surprised" if his speech center had not relocated and that they (the team) would have recommended the surgery anyway.
Besides seeing about the MRI in Charlotte, our next step is to meet with both Dr. Mikati and Dr. Grant on April 6th at Duke presumably to discuss the surgery.
For a complete description of the surgery, visit this link.
For an article regarding a study done back in 2003 on the results of the surgery visit this link. It shows that the surgery is generally very successful.
Thanks to all for your continued thoughts and prayers.
11 years ago