We had quite a whirlwind weekend but enjoyed our time spent with CAYLIE and the paws4people crew. On Saturday, Terry, Kyria, Jeremy and of course, CAYLIE, all came to visit us and Jack and CAYLIE practiced walking with a new harness. CAYLIE, still acting very much like the puppy that she is (16 months), bounded around the house and backyard retrieving a ball she had picked out of Jack's toys. She was quite the bundle of energy.
We learned that graduation will probably be in the mid-November timeframe. As to exactly when we will receive CAYLIE permanently in our home is still to be determined. She still has a bit to mature and the training with her and Jack will be more gradual. Still, we're hoping for placement late this year if all goes well.
Maggie was not her usual feisty self as she was recovering from an allergic reaction to a rabies vaccination but was a little put off by CAYLIE's bounding around "her" backyard and snapped at her once. I think once they are together for a while, they will be the best of buddies.
On Sunday, Lisa had her fundraiser for paws4people at Candace and Paul's house. She did extrememly well, raising $300 for "paws". Thanks to all the friends and family that came for support and purchases of Lisa's handmade glass jewelry. CAYLIE and Jack were in attendance of course. CAYLIE was much more subdued on Sunday, probably due to the large number of people and activity. She was content with laying at Terry's feet and napping from time to time.
Enjoy the pictures.
11 years ago