A cd is forthcoming from the graduation cermonies but we took a few at the reception.

Kyria - the woman who started it all looking sweet (we know the truth though)

Heidi and Jack

Terry looking thrilled to have his picture taken

The graduate - CAYLIE
On a more serious note, Jack continues to struggle with the seizures. He had such as severe one the other day that there were residual effects from it for a couple days afterward. The neurologist ordered an EEG and bloodwork to make sure it wasn't anything more serious. It wasn't. Meanwhile, we were a bit blindsided by the neurosurgeon who calmly suggested that we might want to consider brain surgery over the VNS therapy. Needless to say, we are struggling with that whole thing. Our neurologist, though, was very kind and helpful, but to add another twist; his last day is today!