Jack started feeling better yesterday. He is now eating, drinking and participating in his therapy sessions. He walked a bit further today and the pt said that she had to do less work for him. The head pain does return if the pain meds aren't kept up with though. He is resting comfortably in bed right now watching a movie.
Rumor has it that we may be heading to Levine Children's Hospital (as planned) in Charlotte on Friday. They will continue to strengthen him and get him off the IV meds in preparation for that. He will be transported by ambulance to Levine.
Caylie has been as good as gold here. She just lays at the foot of his bed all day with occasional potty breaks. She has become a real celebrity on our floor. The kids love her.
I hate to even say it because it is too early but Jack has not had any seizures since the surgery. There is a long way to ago according to his neurologist so he cautions not to expect too much too soon. But, he hasn't startled even once which he was routinely doing several times a day prior to surgery.
We remain cautiously optimistic.
11 years ago