We had a great time hosting all the "paws" people last night. We sure appreciate everyone coming and hope they had a good time as well. Jack was in his element with all the attention and seemed to handle getting to bed late and having to get up early this morning for Saturday school. Today was a make-up day for an earlier snow day.
Karen brought SOLOMON and introduced him gradually to Maggie and Moe. Moe was a bit "put off" at first at having a strange dog in his backyard but got over it eventually. When it came time for dinner, SOLOMON disappeared under the dining room table and Moe seemed very puzzled that he had somehow vanished. Maggie, being the alpha dog, also had a rough start but soon handled SOLOMON's appearance like a champ.
Thanks again for everyone coming. When Kyria was leaving, she promised Jack that she would take care of CAYLIE. Have a safe trip home everyone.
And finally, a special get-well soon to Terry.
Some pictures from the evening...
10 years ago