Wednesday, March 18th
Since our last post, we have some hopeful news about Jack's seizures. On Saturday, he had one and on Sunday zero! Monday he had one, but yesterday he had a bunch of quick ones close together. Asha (his IA) thought he may have been tired from a long walk to his resource room with Ms. Davis. He didn't have any for me yesterday afternoon, so hopefully it was just a little setback. I'm still excited about the zero on Sunday. It's been at least six months since we had a seizure free day.
Last Thursday night Jake and Natalie came home for spring break. We had a fun visit and they left for Charleston on Monday morning. They came back again on Thursday and left for Chapel Hill Sunday. Kristopher was here last week for community week, which he has done four times this year for med school. He and Shannon, his fiance, went to Charleston as well and then on to Savannah for Saint Patrick's Day. He said the green fountain was cool. Apparently it's quite a party, so I hope they had fun. He'll come back to Charlotte today and visit with us tomorrow.
Eliot started his new job on Monday and is making the long trek to and from Columbia each day. If one more person tells us, well you have to do what you have to do, I may scream. I don't see any of them driving 200 miles a day to work! We are very grateful though and he thinks he'll like the job. He hopes to be closer to home as soon as possible.
Jack is well, but still too thin. His appetite picked up after he stopped taking Toperal, but he still eats less than he did. We are supplementing with protein drinks. His neurologist also has him on B7, omega 3's and Levocarnitine. His behavior has been pretty good as well. His play therapist comes today after school and he loves her. Next week we have his IEP. I'll keep you posted...
L & E
11 years ago